I'm a software engineer and a creative thinker.

I am passionate about building delightful experiences and crafting elegant solutions to complex problems.

Work Experience

2024 — Now

Fullstack Developer at AXA Climate

Maintenance and development of a platform for the management of climate risks

2021 — 2022

Fullstack Developer (Intern) at Coriolis Service

Development of a recruitment platform incorporating customized tests, candidate tracking, and collaborative tools to enhance the efficiency of the selection process.


2023 — 2025

INSSET / France, Saint-Quentin

Master's Degree in Cloud Computing & Mobility

2022 — 2023

INSSET / France, Saint-Quentin

Bachelor's in Web and Mobile Development

2020 — 2022

La Providence / France, Amiens

Two-year technical degree in Computer Science

2016 — 2018

Edouard Branly / France, Amiens

Technological degree in Baccalaureate in STI2D

2000 — Now

A blend of passion, curiosity and fascination.



ReactNext.jsSymfonyLaravelViteTailwind CSS
Git(Hub / Lab)RailwayNetlifyVercel

Mh, what else?

Hello again — Since you're here, I guess you want to know more about me, outside of my professional life.

Beyond work, I particularly enjoy video games, especially competitive ones like League of Legends or Valorant. I am also a huge fan of manga and Japanese animation. And no, anime is not just cartoons or childish; it's an art form, a canvas for storytelling, and a medium for creative expression.

In speaking of canvas, to me, code has always been the canvas of infinite possibilities, of which I would be the painter; I have always been passionate about this ability to bring all my ideas to life.

One of my weaknesses is my perfectionism combined with imposter syndrome; it often leads me to question my skills and fear being exposed as a fraud, but I am working on it.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to reach out to me, I'd be happy to chat with you.

EmailLinkedInGitHubTwitter / 𝕏Discord